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So, Why Age Graded Running?

So, why Age-Graded running? is possible for two different runners to compare their performance for the same run on even terms, regardless of age and sex.

Well let us first start with a very simple question. Imagine that the five athletes shown, each run in the same fictitious Half Marathon event.

Given their age and gender which of the four put in the best performance?

Age 26 years Front Runners

Finishing time 1:14

Age 44

Finishing time 1:19

Age 21

Finishing time 1:22

Age 59 Middle Order

Finishing time 1:48

Age 82

Finishing time 2:04

Simple, well isn't it? Of course those of you that know me well will have guessed that I would have manipulated it so that the oldest would win the race. But, would you have guessed that there is not a single percentage point between the age related results.

M age 82 80.85%

M age 44 80.59%

F age 21 80.25%

F age 59 80.11%

M age 26 80.00% wow! what a close race and what is more each of these competitors were fighting for first place yet as each runner would have finished they would probably not had their nearest rival in sight. By the way us older runners, each of these times are considered to be of International Standard so don't worry if you are some way off for your Half Marathon.

So, how does it work?

Each time is calculated, using data collated by the World Association of Veteran Athletics, to adjust your performance for age and sex. It simply takes the World Record time for each age and distance, for men and women, and uses these as the benchmark. Your time is then simply converted to a percentage of the world record mark for your age at the distance, or nearest standard distance.

So, what are the benefits?

Motivation- Aging is an inevitability and with it we know we will slow down. To many runners, both competitive and social, this can lead to a loss of motivation. What is the point in continuing to put in time and effort to training a body that is naturally slowing and the best you can hope for is to reduce the rate of decline, you are past your peak and over the hill?

So, in comes Age-Graded performance. By focusing on this you are now in the same race as the young-buck to your left and the sleek young thing just ahead, we are all on a level playing field, when that flag drops it's every man and woman for themselves, from eighteen to eighty-eight and beyond, first over the line will now have to sweat it out until the oldies arrive to take the honours.

Running Clubs are using Age-Grading more and more as it provides a way for club members to compare their race performances, irrespective of how old they are. Many clubs have have two club record holders for each distance, their Time and their Age-Graded champions

Comparing Performance over various distances - Have you ever thought "I wonder what my best distance really is?" Well wonder no longer, by taking away the time function in a performance and replacing it with a specific figure you can directly compare your percentage performances for each given distance, no more guesswork.

Comparing Performance over the longer-term - Removing the effects of age enables you to see how your current performance compares with how you were performing say ten, twenty or thirty years ago. Long-term changes can be seen not as times but as a number that will show where you stand now and then against the same benchmark.

So, what does my Age-Graded performance mean?

Don't be alarmed or disappointed if your scores are way off of the one-hundred percent that we all dream of; remember you are measuring yourself against a world record.

If your score is above ninety, the first thing I would suggest is that you replace the battery in your timing device. If it happens again then get an agent as you are in the World Class bracket! Over eighty can be considered to be at or near National Standards, over seventy is Regional Standards and over sixty is a good Local leading class.

Around one-third of many starting line ups would fall in the fifty to fifty-nine area but perhaps eighty-five percent being between forty and fifty-nine.

If you can score in the sixties or above, you are in some very good company. But if you can't it is not of any consequence because if you love running, as I do, the ONLY real competition in any event is yourself. Striving to improve, proving to yourself that each time you defeat a distance you are bettering yourself.

So, where do we go from here?

Well, just the simple fact that the Bukit Jalil 'Ultra' Half Marathon awarded a trophy to the winner of the Golden Age 65 years and above has inspired me to gird my loins and do something.

It is an uphill battle to get organisers, here in Malaysia, to age group events, or even event results, so talking to them about Age-Grading is at least ten years down the line. An alternative, Running on Old Legs Age-Graded Event Results on Face Book.

Everyone who signs up, to this free service, with very simple information - Age at January 1st, Gender and Name - after each event just submit your finishing time and a member's only Age-Graded result sheet will be produced. The more we attract the better it will become so please share the news.

Just visit my Face Book page at and leave your age and gender in the comments box below the post relating to this blog, competition was never this good and will never be the same again!

Happy Running.

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